Thursday, January 1, 2009


Good god almighty WELCOME to a NEW YEAR! Honestly, I had a pretty good year in 2008, but I am so freakin excited to welcome 2009. It's been such a tumultuous year for the majority of those close to me and I'm anxious for them to have a bit of an absolution. Anyway, as far as New Years Resolutions go (and I love the way Jennie did's to you sassy lady!)...I'm going two traditional ones and 1 not so traditional. Of course, I want to lose weight and get out of debt...but it's more than that. I want to make it sound like a goal and way of life rather than a negative insurmountable task....I want to be healthier and be more responsible with my money. The biggest resolution that I have is to LOVE MYSELF MORE. I never take care of myself the way I take care of others. I want to make myself a priority and focus on more "me" time. I want to learn to be comfortable in my own skin and enjoy being alone. Take take for what I need and listen to myself more.....better yet...just TRUST myself more. Maybe it's sounds selfish but OH me selfish then. It's about damn time for me...that's for sure. I also want to love myself enough to stand up for myself more when bad influences are around me and trying to make me feel inadequate. I wish for every one of those closest to me...find more time this year to make yourself more healthy....physically (of course), but more importantly.....make yourself spiritually and EMOTIONALLY healthy. Also, if you have the YOU! Being Beautiful. You won't be disappointed! Oh, and go see YES MAN! I'm going today for the second time...speaking of which....gotta go!

Miss you already Kimbe! It was great to see you on Xmas eve!

1 comment:

Kimberley said...

It was awesome to see you! I can't wait to see you again! I love that we've stayed in touch! Here's to 14 years of friendship and counting!!!