Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This one is for Jennie...Get to Know Your Friends...Xmas Style

Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends. Okay, here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be a SCROOGE!!! Just copy and change all the answers so that they apply to you.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags: I've recently switched! Used to be all about bags, but now I'm into wrapping and pretty ribbons.
2. Real tree or Artificial? Hmm, I love real trees but recently have been using my roommate's artificial tree because it was her grandmothers.
3. When do you put up your Christmas tree? We started early this year...started getting everything out and testing the lights the week before Thanksgiving. Finally finished all of the decorating two weeks ago.
4. When do you take the tree down? Sometime after New Year's.
5. Do you like eggnog? Absolutely....spiked eggnog (especially the Winterhaven brand) is my fave!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My stereo. It was awesome! It had a dual tape deck and the speakers swung out of each side
7. Hardest person to buy for? My dad, hands down.
8. Easiest person to buy for? Elizabeth this year...Dad and I bought her a car.
9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, two of them. My roommate is Catholic and while I don't consider myself religious...you gotta spend some time thinking about The Man on his celebrated day.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail or I deliver in person.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Exclamation perfume. I couldn't find it in my heart to tell my Nanny I was allergic to it for about 5 or 6 years.
12. Favorite Christmas Movies? A Christmas Story, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, The Grinch (of course), and The Nightmare Before Xmas (I love movies that can be enjoyed over two holidays!)
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I'm still shopping.....oy vey!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? I don't think I have...I don't have that many family or friends to regift too. Knowing me, I'd slip up and give the gift back to someone.
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My snickerdoodles, anything Grandma makes (except for Green Junk - it's as nasty as it sounds).
17. Favorite Christmas song? O Holy Night
18. Travel or stay home for Christmas? Stay home. That where my Dad and Sis are.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes...although I've had my own names for them after too much eggnog.
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Angel because my roommate has always wanted one...I prefer a star...I compromise alot.
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Why wait? I've opened a few already. Haha. Usually 1 on Xmas eve, the rest on Xmas morning.
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Forgetting the real importance of Christmas...family and togetherness. This year I've never been more grateful for my family.
23. Favorite ornament, theme, and color? We have a Disney tree and I have a glass slipper than lights up. I really like. I LOVE snowflakes and anything purple...but not purple snowflakes...that's lame. I like traditional stuff for Xmas.
24. Favorite Christmas Dinner? Gmas ham and sweet potato casserole with the little marshmallows on top.
25. What do you want to do for Christmas this year? Spend time with Lizzy and my Dad.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Some Pics

I haven't had a chance to put all of the pics up that I want too so here's two:

As promised, here is the Xmas Tree (it's darker so you can see the lights and the gorgeous angel):

And here was my Halloween costume this year...I was swine flu! :-)

Well I hope you enjoyed them! Until tomorrow (hopefully)!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Holy crap...three posts in a row...

I don't know how long this trend will continue, but let's just hope that it keeps up for a bit. :-) Anywho, my math final was a breeze, of course, I'm in retard math so that's that. But anyway, I'm sure I got a good grade...at least not anything to drop my current average of 100% (permit me a boastful chuckle :-) ). My English final is next, which consists of a potluck while we sit around and enjoy each other's company. I have to say that I'm really going to miss these classes. I met some really great people and we had some awesome debates in class, especially seeing how our final paper was to watch The Secret and discuss our opinions on it based on the class discussions, which were eventful in themselves.

I'll have to put a picture of up of mine and Colleen's Xmas tree. It came out really nice this year and I - yes I, Christy - have been trying to artfully wrap presents. It's the first Xmas that I haven't been depressed or Colleen hasn't had a relative pass away so it's awesome this year. My roomie and I have really gotten into the spirit. We're even having a small pre-Xmas dinner get-together at my house so I'm really excited. Apparently I make fantastic ham, but the glaze is alot easier than I've really cared to tell my friends (I don't wanna let them down). Besides, if they have one story of me cooking that doesn't involve burning anything, a trip to the ER, or a visit from the fire department, that's good enough for me. Hopefully everyone makes it that's told me they're coming. If not, I guess it more ham for me! :-)

Anywho, my arms are sore from typing, the Wii and all sorts of other shenanigans so I shall bid adieu until the next time I blog...which will hopefully be soon....but you know me. These things happen in spurts.

OH, I almost forgot to mention...I'm TOTALLY addicted this show on the Oxygen channel (yes, I know...I'm ashamed to admit it too) called Snapped where these women freak out and kill their husbands or boyfriends. I love murder mystery shows and shows like Unsolved Mysteries. I really wish that were still on...but with Robert Stack. He had the BEST creepy voice! Anywho, if you get a chance to check it out, you should. They have marathons on Sundays (usually) and this weekend I think it's the best of the black widows / golddiggers edition. Sweet canadian mullet there goes my Sunday! Thank goodness for DVR! :-)

Until later folks, all is good from Mesa! :-)

Hey look! I actually blogged!

Hee hee...well, here I am..up at 1:17AM when I should be sleeping to prepare for my finals tomorrow, but of course, I'm up late. I'm had such an erratic sleep pattern lately. I don't know if it's just the winter weather but I feel like I just can't get enough sleep. Seeing as how I've done nothing but sleep this weekend, lack of sleep can't be the case. Well anyway, I think I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow and make "the appointment" I've been dreading...ladies, y'all know what I'm talking about. But more than just the usual violation, I think I may finally ask for a referral to a counselor or psychologist who specialized in certain kinds of trauma. For those of you who may be worried, don't be...it's just time for me to deal with some things in my life that I've been putting off for far too long. The more that I've been focusing on myself lately, the more I've realized that I need to get these issues resolved because I didn't realized how much my past effected me. So, a little work on the ol' past issues, and I'll be good to go. Anywho, I hope you enjoy the above pic of me & Lizzy, my little monkey. She just got her braces off and she's even more beautiful than she was before, which I didn't think was possible. She's driving now (GULP!) and Dad & I bought her first car for her for Xmas since she's been getting amazing grades and it becoming a star tennis player (no joke, she kicks serious ass!). I can't believe that she's graduating in May of 2011. It feels so close. And my graduation isn't too far away either! :-)

Friday, December 11, 2009

I know, I know

Well, I already know that I haven't written in awhile, which is another testament to my inability to keep a routine on anything that my DVR isn't responsible for. But I miss my two buddies who I know post on here more than anything, so I figured it's time to start blogging again. My mind has been racing with so many things anyway that until I find a good therapist that I don't have the urge to cut after a few sessions, I think that my blog will need to by my place to dump everything. Besides, I have alot of opinions, why not share them? Ok, so how am I feeling right now? Well, I'm tired.....very full after the company lunch of Oregano's.....tired.....nervous for finals......tired.....and tired. Yeah, that about sums it up. I think I'm going to log on later tonight and put some pictures on line to update everyone with the most important people in my life...me, my dogs, and my sissy...who is DRIVING if you can believe it! My sister is so beautiful and I can't wait to show everyone the pics! :-) To Jennie and Kimbe, I miss you both terribly and I'm sorry for being such an awful friend my not staying in touch more. I will try to do so because I am missing the two other members of the Redheaded Trio! I feel like I've lost my mojo! :-)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Yeah, so I suck at blogging....

I have a new addiction....and it's called twitter! I LOVE IT! It's so blissfully random and ridiculous. For my buddies on this blog, be sure to visit me at www.twitter.com/IamTheChingas. AWESOME SAUCE!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lizzy is 16! Can you believe it?

Hey all,

Since I've been a very bad blogger and haven't posted in a bit, I decided to make a few posts today. I got a new camera for my bday and have tons of pics and videos on it of my sister's 16th bday. Here are two that I hope you enjoy. The first one is of everyone singing Happy Bday.

The second one is of her hamming it up and showing off her Princess walk before she dives into her presents. :-) She's my little buttface!

Holy crap...what a difference a few weeks make!

My humblest apologies to any readers of this blog (all 2 of you) for my very evident lack of updating anything for a bit. It's been insane in my neck of the woods for a bit. I'm rolling out a new training program at work (going well so far) and I've been consumed with that professionally. Personally, I've been laying low and taking a much-needed interest in my personal health. I bought myself some personal training sessions for Xmas and so far, it's really going well. I'm just taking everything one day at a time and not setting myself up for failure but trying to achieve unrealistic expectations. I can't be one of those people who eat nothing but bread and water - but I also can't maintain my current menu of various fast food restaurants because I don't feel like cooking. So I've been compromising - I've given up all fast food and soda, but I'm allowing myself the simple pleasures of food, like butter and not forcing myself to eat only light or fat free foods. I know myself when it comes to food, and limiting myself too much backfires horribly and I end up eating twice as much and wondering why I've gained so much weight. So far, the newer approach is working. I get frustrated sometimes that I don't lose more than 1.5 to 2 pounds a week, but I hear that it's normal and the best part is....it's staying off. So, at my last weight in, I was 375.4 and I have 4.6 pounds to go before losing my first ten pounds. I've also put together a rewards poster for things I will do for myself when I hit certain milestones. At five pounds, it was new shoes; at ten pounds, it's a haircut. So, I'm very excited to weigh in tomorrow and see if I'm any closer to getting this mug cut and styled. So far, I've set my reward list at 200 pounds. I know I need to lose more than that, but I figure that 200 pounds is a huge accomplishment, so I'm just setting my sites there for right now. Here is the full list:
15 pounds - new blouse ($25 limit)
20 pounds - new bathing suit for summer (they make these really nifty slimming suits that I want really bad!)
30 pounds - new pants ($75 limit)
40 pounds - massage
50 pounds - $300 shopping spree
60 pounds - Salon day (mani pedi)
65 pounds - new shoes ($100 limit)
70 pounds - salon day (facial)
80 pounds - new outfit ($150 limit)
90 pounds - $200 accessory shopping (heehee...purses)
100 pounds - full spa pamper (the works) plus another shopping spree (5 full outfits)
110 pounds - complete hair makeover including color
120 pounds - massage
130 pounds - luxurious bedsheets (egyptain cotton baby!!)
140 pounds - shopping spree ($200 limit)
150 pounds - 1st article of LAMB clothing
200 pounds - put down payment on trip to Paris!

I've also decided that if when I reach my goal weight of 150 pounds (because seriously...a real woman needs some meat on her bones), I'm going to get a tattoo of 231 on my wrist to signify how much weight I lost from my heaviest point and to look at my wrist whenever I want to be really bad and remind myself of how far I've come. I'm so excited for this journey to keep going! I hope you all will wish me luck and send me encouragement because we all know how much I love Olive Garden's alfredo and that is no bueno for this girl! Also, if you have any better suggestions for rewards from 150 - 200 or 200 - 231 - let me know. :-)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

This One's For Jennie! :-)

There are 117,637 people in the U.S. with the first name Christy.
Statistically the 477th most popular first name.
More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Christy are female.
Names similar to Christy:
Christiana Christine

And I found this HILARIOUS! It explains a lot about me:

There are 36,666 people in the U.S. with the last name Lindsay.


Just Chillin'

So...feeling kinda lazy today. Just woke up and felt the need to blog I guess. Right now I find myself very pensive over the past few days. While the New Year does hold alot of promise, it started out with HUGE drama for me. For those that know me, you know that I rarely cry. Some have even speculated to the fact if I was even born with tear ducts. Well, the last few days have proved otherwise. Have you ever believed in something so much that you associated that belief with your personal values....and you cherished that belief so much that you kept it near and dear to your heart? Well, what happens when that belief turns out to be a massive lie and everything that you valued comes crashing down around you? If this seems to be a bit cryptic, I'm intending it to be. For those of you that don't know, I had someone in my life completely betray my trust and it's been hard for me to swallow. I'm doing fine, so please don't worry, but just know that I'm coping with something right now that is foreign to me and I'm trying to make sure that I handle it properly. It's just so hard to look at someone and think that everything that you thought you knew is a fallacy and that you can no longer trust this person....a person you let into your life and helped in the direst of circumstances, only to be taken advantage of for such an unbelievable amount of time. While I'm still very excited for the future events of the New Year to unfold, I'm just amazed at how exhausting it can be to maintain the relationships in your life when you just want to be alone enough to think things over....and when you're too exhausted to juggle so much. Well, I think I'm going to go back to bed and see if I can actually sleep for another hour or two. When in doubt...or overloaded with things to sort out...the only thing I can think to do is to sleep as long as possible and recharge. Until later!